Friday, November 21, 2008

Lack of Updates

I don't know if anyone reads this thing other than myself. Normally, I don't care, because it allows me to get my thoughts out in front of me. I guess the reason I haven't updated lately is because there isn't much to report. I haven't made much progress since I lost the 30 lbs. I've just kind of maintained that weight and can't get over the hump. I feel bad that I had my surgery 6 months ago and all I've managed to lose is 30 lbs. I know, 30 lbs isn't a small feat, but I feel like it is compared to what I see other lapbanders lose. One girl had hers done in February and has lost over 80 lbs. I want to be that person.

Monday, November 17, 2008


One side effect of the surgery is that I'm filled with more gas than I was before. Although, sometimes it's not a bad thing. At least once a day I have the most satisfying, deep burp that comes out of nowhere. It always feels like a ton of pressure is released and I feel light as a feather afterward.

Of course, I get the OTHER kind of gas, too. Mainly at night when I lay down. Let me tell you, my boyfriend LOVES that. He thinks it's hilarious that I can't keep it in. I knew this would be a side effect, but I guess I didn't realize how often it would occur.

Friday, November 14, 2008


Just when I thought I was on a roll with this blog, I up and desert it. I'm sorry. But we all know that life happens and let me tell you; life happened. Pretty much all good things, but time consuming, nonetheless. Interestingly enough, I've been updating my handwritten journal almost nightly. That was something I used to have a lot of trouble with, but lately it has been second nature to jot down my thoughts for the day when I get into bed.

Things with my boyfriend are going wonderfully. We had a successful trip to Ohio. More than successful - we didn't want to leave! My grandparents loved him instantly as I knew they would. Especially my grandfather, who is one of the country's leading professors in African-American literature. He and Arthur never ran out of things to talk about. He called us a "beautiful couple" and it was such a wonderful trip.

My weight loss has been...well, a moot point lately. I haven't lost anymore, but I haven't gained anything either. I guess it's not too bad, but I do feel like I eat a lot more than I should be. Last night I had TWO pieces of baked spaghetti. TWO! The point is that I can actually finish food whereas before I'd always have food left on my plate. I don't know if this warrants a trip to the fill nurse to may sure the saline didn't leak out, but the payment for the fluroscopy machine is pretty high and I can't afford it right now. I'll see how things go after the New Year and make a trip up there if I'm still struggling.