Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Shhh! Don't tell!

For a long time after I made the decision to have my LapBand surgery, I wondered whether I should tell people. I told my parents, my sister, my boyfriend, and my best friend. I expected them to be completely supportive (they were) and that I'd have no desire to tell anyone else about it. Then I realized I'd have to tell my boss, since I'd be time off of work and maybe more if I had a rough time after surgery. (Which I did end up having to do - 2 days extra)

I don't know why I was so scared to tell people. I guess I was worried they'd judge me or make fun of me. Like I said in my first post, I used to be someone who thought weight loss surgery was an easy way out of losing weight. I was scared someone would think the same about me without knowing all of my previous attempts.

I was also afraid of having to explain to people that I was having the surgery in Mexico. That undoubtedly would be followed with questions like, "are you nuts!?" "aren't you afraid of all the drug dealers?" "aren't you afraid you'll wake up in a ice bath missing a few internal organs?" Not only are those questions ridiculous, they're annoying as well. I didn't think I had the patience to calmly explain to everyone that it was safe as safe could be and that my experience there was wonderful.

I know this may sound bad, but I kind of like people to think I'm losing the weight on my own. It's like a little secret of mine. When someone compliments me on my weight loss, I like for them to think I'm working hard and don't have the aid of a very effective tool. Not that I'm not working hard, it's just a different type of reaction that you get when people think you're losing weight on your own. While I would never lie if someone asked me if I had been banded, I don't think I'll be volunteering the information on my own too much. But that's our little secret.

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